I received some excellent, albeit parochial, criticism of Michaux's nuclear Scenario E by SmithFS which I want to include in the debate for balance:


I asked SmithFS if he would redo Michaux's Scenario E with his own nuclear picture. We will see if that eventuates into a more positive picture for humanity’s energy future.

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Cobalt-based (Co) alloys are extensively used in nuclear reactors, particularly in regions prone to wear and galling such as valves and pumps. So how much Cobalt can be recovered by recycling when all Nuclear facilities are decommissioned and from other products?

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Good question, Geoff! I'd have to look into the specifics, and we also have to consider other advanced methods to recycle the necessary minerals for our hypothetical EV future.

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I did my Honours thesis centred on Cobalt organometallic catalysts. As happens in some Nickel recycling, volatile compounds formed from Cobalt might help.

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This such excellent source, splendid work thank you.

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I confess I only skimmed through this, apologies, you've put in a lot of work. My two bobs:

1) There was a uranium dude on the recent decouple podcast who reckons there is plenty of uranium around

2. None of the people who make decisions or even MSM are doing this kind of analysis, or , probably because they don't have the ability to read more than an A3 page with a couple of charts on it. But they really ought to.

3. And even if Uranium runs out in 2095, I personally don't give a shit. Every other doomsday prediction has not come to fruition, so I'm basically not planning more than 5 - 10 years ahead with respect to my own life. AFAIK, Al Gore's prediction that the arctic was going to melt by 2022 hasn't come true.

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