Woah, that is crazy. Sorry to hear about your loss, and even more sorry to hear about the indoctrination.

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Big mistake, JP.

To JP, and everybody who has joined the Great Awakening: part of the propagandising exercise, which commenced sometime before 1947, is a component that fits its wearer's hand like a glove, customised for whatever personality type thus conditioned, that demolishes any alternative line of thought.

This conditioning has been slotted into movies and TV, great books, academia and science, education systems, throwaway phrases issued by celebrities, political slogans, and even product advertising. This has been subliminal and unrelenting for more then seventy years, so few of you will remember when anything was different.

For some mRNA victims, their personal response to your revelations will be immediate and mindless violence. The outcome? You will be dead. For others, genial folk, it will be mirth. For a few loved ones it will be embarassment and sadness that you have become so delusional, making such a fool of yourself.

A very common response, one typical of medical nurses, will be a sudden icy unresponsiveness to your tirade of evidence, followed by a statement to the effect that they hope to eventually jab the entire planet. Not one item of information you contributed broke through their barricade.

I am aware of two things. I am giving advice. The other is that nobody takes advice.

Stupidly, I will ignore manifest reality and dive deeper.

The enemy has launched its campaign of global domination for more than 200 years, in alliance with aristocracies who have nursed the same ambition for thousands of years but who have compromised their intelligence and their sanity through inbreeding. Thus, the investment banker cabal has taken the lead and this is vanguarded by the Rockefellers or, more specifically since 1933, by Nelson, John, and David.

In 1973, David anointed fellow Zionist Rupert Murdoch to be his successor, a role which went solo in 2017 when David died. Thus, Murdoch's strangle-hold on global media, politicians, think tanks, universities, and the tax avoidance industry, enabled him to provide a seamless covid narrative flowing from entities he controlled. He also ensured that a flotilla of patsies and bullseyes sail past an increasingly hostile public: Fauci, Gates, Schwarb, Harari, Tedros, Adern, Trudeau, and so on, who will attract the assassinations and public lynchings, if such are to occur. Murdoch is no fool.

Skeptics blanche at such notions but they fail to comprehend that this cabal is playing with $500 trillion, and every mainstream politician, bureaucracy, TV station, newspaper, and credible source of information. This also includes the pharmaceuticals, judiciary, military, and the entire medical profession.

They have had nothing better to do with their time for 200 years but to consider every possible public reaction and plan a covert counter to this. For example, to ensure you respond by refusing to counter force with force, even though you have the enemy outnumbered a million-to-one, you were already brainwashed to believe in "peaceful non-violent protest". The City of London created Mohandas Ghandi and the CIA cleared a path for ML King. Just to validate their message, their goals were visibly achieved and both were assassinated, hence the canonisation of martyredom. The cherry on top was the Hollywood epic movie made of both heroes.

Every brave organiser of peaceful protests firmly believes this was his own idea, reflecting his own humanist values, but also empirically supported by history.

Where is this going? You cannot hope to win over the brainwashed. Get any patriotic soldiers you know to train you as part of a militia. Then, after we have reclaimed sanity, we can re-educate those who can be saved.

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This resonates with me, and it helps that you shared. I've used substack to marshal similar thoughts. I think to be white-pilled, we need to be as honest as you have been:

Duality. Many of us have families who would happily share money, put a roof over our heads, never rob us, would be horrified if we were injured, and would grieve if we died. They would also support us becoming second class citizens, and cheer a democidal state which tortures and lies. They would, have and will cheer deadly genetic experimentation. I struggle the same as you to reconcile this truth, yet it is the only reality we are observing.

Bravery. Well said on Milgram and Asche. If we can speak out, we should. Yet, not all of us have that ability, so it is useless expecting them to display it. Even if the opposite of this is cowardice, or immorality, or stupidity, or being taken in by a cult, our true adversaries are not these victims who have their own struggles.

Responsibility. We will have to fight this without help from those we think should also be responsible. They simply cannot and will not understand while easier options (eg. attacking the messenger) are available.

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A truly horrific story, but one that is being played out in countless families across the world right now. You are not alone, JP. I am in a similar situation, except I don't have the courage to say what I think, lest I lose the precious (but fragile) relationship I have with my family. Sad times.

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Very sad but I can relate. I'm 58, my mother was born in '43. She's 100% on board with the hoax. I don't bother discussing any of it with her. There's no point. She will go on about her "crazy" friends that "don't want that poison in their bodies" and I just change the subject.

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