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Mar 11
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These are the same entitiies that are pushing this agenda via the WEF.

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Thank you JP. My take: it (the truth of it) doesn't really matter because it is not about any actual or real real "transitioning". It is about moving the money around, it is about directing people's attention away from other issues, it is about silly retail politics and global political manipulation.

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Pretty much! As long as folks dont try to calculate the details...

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Fantastic work, thanks. Synergises really well with this broader look: https://shadowrunners.substack.com/p/the-loss-of-ukraine-is-the-beginning

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EREI (energy returned for energy invested) is a concept I most certainly will come back to. Cheers for the contribution to the discussion!

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Yep, I’m sure you are an avid listening of the Power Hungry podcast too. They had a recent Australian guest, ex mining engineer, works for some Finnish mob, that basically asked “where the fck are these metals and ores going to come from”. And no one seems to give a fck about the kids mining cobalt in the Congo. Isn’t there a modern slavery prohibition? Like Uigher’s involved in the manufacture of Poly silicon in China ? Conveniently brushed aside on the alter of net zero. Apologies for the rant. Good article. As for me, I think I need to head further north before the blackouts in NSW start.

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You spoiled my part 2! Shhh!

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Well said! There is also all the cabling to connect the turbines to the grid, which, at least in the uk, is going to tear up the countryside and ancient woodlands. Also causes beaching of whales.

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"But is it worth the $1.13 trillion cost, added to our existing $1 trillion of unnecessary COVID national debt? Is it worth the delusion of planting 50% of Australia’s arable land with carbon-offset forests, 17 billion trees per year, in fact? It is worth the ludicrous logistical impossibility of installing 120,000 wind turbines across the land, which would have the side effect of devastating our national bird life?..."

As I read this, I was reminded of the completely delusional, "utopian" mindset of the average commie who promotes the Global Warming myth, and who thinks that there is no price too high for fighting "climate change."

Unfortunately, it's a mindset that's been around since at least the French Revolution - utopia is always right around the corner, we just have to climb over ever higher mountains of debt and dead bodies to get there.

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